Having filtered water in your home or office is important especially in WA, as our water is very hard. Knowing you have correctly installed your filtration is important along with knowing when your water filters are due to be replaced.
A badly installed water filter or over-due replacement filter could be costly, with limescale getting into your appliances and damaging them.
Installation Services
We provide installation for commercial and domestic customers if you would like a quote or to find out if we service your area contact us for more details.
- Whole-of-house
- Zip Taps and hydro boil wall units
- Under Sink filtration
- Water Coolers
Filter Replacements Commercial
From Whole-of-house, to under sink and zip filters we provide filter replacement services, ensuring we test your water hardness and scheduling replacement filters according to your individual needs.
Take the hassle out of knowing when or which filters to replace, and give yourself the peace of mind of knowing we keep your water filtration up to date so you can get on with a healthier lifestyle.
We service the Perth region, call us to see when we can schedule a visit with your company.
Under Sink Filter Replacements Domestic
We sell replacement filters for domestic under-sink customers, download detailed instructions below on how to install your replacement filters with our Quick Change Omnipure filter range, we are here to help if you are having trouble downloading these instructions send us a message through our contact us form and we will email them to you.